Antwerp. An evening in March. Charlie and Hannah, two girls in their mid-twenties, are strolling through the city. Charlie is witty, inaccessible and – in her own words – fundamentally dialectic. Hannah is chatty, neurotic, always hungry and always in love.
Things take an unexpected turn when one of the girls conjures magical candy that makes body parts talk, pineapples fly and through which a trip to another galaxy becomes the easiest thing in the world. A film about all the anxieties, contradictions and portions of gin and tonic which shape life at 26, and about that magic nocturnal moment in which anything can happen.
‘Charlie and Hannah’s Grand Night Out’, Bert Scholiers’ first feature film, runs on the heartbeat of ‘oldskool jazz’ and flirts with some references to classic cinema. An absurd comedy about love and relationships, like a drunken Friday night out.
Client Altitude 100 Production, Minds MeetServicesFilm Composition, OrchestrationYear2017